CCHF Conference

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Pre-conference Devotional February 14th


The past couple of weeks my Bible reading plan has had me in Exodus. I am always amazed at how the Holy Spirit encourages us with new insights even as we read passages we have read many times in the past. Like many of you I have been praying over all of the political news and the effects of the decisions being made on the poor, widow, orphan and stranger. I have been praying for the non-profits and clinics that are making decisions regarding funding with little information about what the future will hold. On days that I have been overwhelmed, the story of the Exodus has been so encouraging to me. 

 When God sent the plagues upon Egypt we can see God’s protection of the Israelites in the midst of the terrible events that were happening. We are told, “All the livestock of the Egyptians died, but not one animal belonging to the Israelites died.” Exodus 9:6. “The only place it did not hail was the land of Goshen, where the Israelites were.” Exodus 9:26. When the Lord brought the plague of darkness on Egypt for three days we are told that “all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.” Exodus 10:23. When Pharaoh finally lets the Israelites go they plunder the Egyptians and are sent out in haste. After the Egyptians released the Israelites, Pharoah and his officials changed their minds. They pursued the Israelites and God once again showed His power by parting the Red Sea for the Isrealites and then sweeping the Egyptians into the sea. 

 My favorite part of this story is when Miriam pulls out her tambourine and begins to worship the Lord. I think about what it must have been like to flee in haste. What would I try to take with me? Why does scripture include this detail about Miriam pulling out her tambourine? The fact that she brought this instrument tells me that she trusted God to deliver them and when He did she would be ready to lead the Israelites in worship for what He had done. Join me in praying for our CCHF community as we seek to follow the directions the Lord gives us with confidence that He will be victorious.

Devotional written by Kim Cook on behalf of the CCHF Conference Prayer Team