Bill Morehouse


""I'm a happy person who loves getting to know and being able to help people of all ages. I connect with

little children (and the little child in most adults) almost immediately.

During my 45 years of active family practice the things that really lit my fire while helping people regain wholeness were sharing in the joys and trials of relationships, pregnancy and delivery, and family life. I loved the challenges of medicine and learned administration by necessity.

Now that I've graduated into retirement I'm free to use the experience and insights our Lord has given me to help you and your group grow in His grace and calling as we seek revival together.

Along the way, I've found that having a sense of humor and seeing God's Kingdom and His love at work can give us vision and purpose through some of life's most difficult times, if we can keep the faith and hang in there together.”

For More Details:




Revival, personal and community
Awakenings in history
Cycles of widespread revival
Righteousness, Revelation, and Revival
Religion, Reality, and Revival
Preparing for revival
Living an abundant life
Ongoing revival
Awakened or “woke”?
Prayer for, in, and during revival
Relationship between revival, evangelism and discipleship Hebrew roots of our faith
Recognizing the Ekklesia or Body of Christ
Maturing as a leader in faith

Patient Care (the practice of medicine)

How to Pray with patients
Integrating Faith with Practice
Poverty and Health
The Art and Science of Medicine
Addressing Depression, the 4 Rs
The Beginning of Life
Physical Well-Being
Other clinical topics by request

Organizational (for practice management/planning)

Strategic Planning
PCMH in faith-based practices FQHC pros and cons
EMR selection and integration Strategies for rising above burnout
The Luke-Paul Relationship Working together in harmony

Study Topics (good for medical students)

Healing and Medicine
Tripartite nature of mankind: Body, Soul, and Spirit
Energy Balance Chart
Personal faith disciplines during training, practice
The Body of Christ, universal and local
Priorities, competition with materialism and the American Dream Courtship in medical careers
Practical integration of faith and medicine with patients
Serving the poor: myths and pitfalls
Team ministry: necessity, humility, and complimentary gifts Sexuality and the Scriptures


United States

Western NY, PA, and Eastern OH, Nationwide


Sample audio from a past speaking engagement


Ben McKinney


Steve Noblett