
Welcome Students & Residents!
CCHF has a rich history of engaging students through our conferences. We want you to come, knowing that God has used this conference to speak to individuals through conversations with those that have been working “in the field”, loving people and sharing the gospel. Through plenary speakers, breakout sessions, exhibitors and prayer, you will be equipped and encouraged to see the beauty of fellowship with those who have traveled on the same path as you.
Every year, we have some special events, just for students:
Student Lounge
Looking for a place to relax or meet new people? Come visit the student lounge. Meet other students as you play ping-pong and corn hole. Check the schedule for specific meet and greet times with providers who can speak into your life. These mentoring moments are always the highlight of the student experience. This is a Phone Free Zone so we can focus on each other as well as resting our minds and hearts.
Prayer Room
Need some prayer ministry? Looking for a quiet place to be still before Jesus? Our prayer room will allow you some quiet time in the midst of the conference. Need prayer? You can sign up to meet with one of our prayer team members for specific prayer.
Meet residents from programs around the country and see where God might be leading you. Check out our clinic booths and speak to people who labor “in the field” and find out how you can shadow them.
Queen City Fun
After a long day, it’s time to go out and have some fun. We make space for students to connect with one another.
We are looking forward to connecting with you. We are thankful for our students, the next generation who will take up the mantle of leadership in healthcare for the poor. Know that we are praying for you!

Graduate Student Scholarship Information
Medical/Healthcare Graduate Student and Resident Scholarship
For only $65, students who volunteer would get funding to help with
Full admission to the conference
Most meals
Most gas/travel reimbursement
Applicants Subject to Approval - Requires 7-8 Volunteer Hours During Conference
* There is a $265 discounted rate for those who do not want to volunteer. Undergraduate students are also entitled to the $265 rate.
Volunteers work as a team to help us run the conference smoothly by donating 7-8 hours of their time.
Clinics and individuals who believe that God uses CCHF to mobilize students/residents to work in underserved areas in the name of Jesus, have donated money for graduate student/resident volunteers so that finances are not an obstacle to attend. Therefore, we want to be good stewards of their money and make it stretch so we can give out as many scholarships as possible. We encourage students to carpool and drive to the conference if possible, but will also help with flight costs if the distance is great. Please consider this when calculating the costs. We also encourage you to arrive early for one of our orientation times.
We offer housing on Thursday and Friday night as part of the scholarship package so that the volunteer team is together. Those available for set up on Wed will also receive accommodations.
We want to build camaraderie among the volunteers so after the conference is over, you still have each other. Student volunteers will be able to attend most of the main sessions, and we try to accommodate students so they can attend the workshops in which they are the most interested.
Apply for a scholarship soon as the funds are limited. We thank all the clinics and individuals who have donated so that the next generation of leaders may rise and continue what Christ is doing in healthcare for the poor.
The application is embedded in the registration form. When you see the registration fee choices, click on $65- Graduate Student Volunteer rate to begin. You will be asked additional application questions as you complete your conference registration.
To apply..
Questions? Email Jessie@cchfmail.org

COllege students
We have a special low registration rate especially for you!
Our conference is a great opportunity to meet Christ following medical providers who can be a mentoring voice in your life as you pursue your vocation. We want to make it as affordable as possible for you to come and make these vital connections. In certain circumstances, we may be able to provide free host hosing as well.
Come, meet residents and hear their stories. Learn about clinics around the country where you can spend time during your training years. Connect with summer and gap year opportunities.
To apply for the special rate, just send an email letting us know:
Your name
Your college
When you will graduate
Your major/future plans
Why you feel God is calling you to use your healthcare career to serve Jesus