Jason Stevens Jason Stevens

Clifford Lau

Clifford Lau, MD is a family physician and formerly served as the medical director at City Impact Health and Wellness Center, a church based clinic for the homeless and marginally housed of San Francisco. Clifford is a proud Golden Bear (college) and Anteater (medical school). and a three time Stanford reject (college, medical school, and residency). 

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Jason Stevens Jason Stevens

Katy White

Dr. White serves as the Chief Medical Officer for Los Angeles Christian Health Center. Dr. Katy White was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, attended college in Massachusetts, and returned to California for medical school. Through college Bible studies and mission trips to India and Mexico City, she realized she was called to follow Jesus in loving and caring for people in poverty. She graduated from UCSD School of Medicine and completed a Masters of Public Health at San Diego State University. She graduated from family practice residency in Long Beach and has been working with inner city, underserved populations at Los Angeles Christian Health Centers since 2000.

She has served as the Chief Medical Officer since January 2013. As a leader at LACHC, Dr. Katy is passionate about shepherding the providers and staff to see God at work, bringing justice, reconciliation, and hope to patients and communities. LACHC serves a predominately homeless population. She is thankful for her husband of 25 years, who is a pastor, and for her two children.

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