Pre-conference devotional February 19-25

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Phil 4:8


His Word:

This verse follows the often-quoted verses of Philippians 4:6-7. Those verses remind us to stop being anxious and then Paul follows with; now finally brethren start doing this and think about these things. This verse, which concludes Paul’s thought beginning in verse 4:1; is a simple two-fold imperative: 1. Focus your mind and 2.  Put that focus into practice.  What is truer than God or lovelier than His presence or more worthy of His praise or more excellent than the touch of the Holy Spirit on our spirit? “Think about these things.”


Let Us Pray:

Let us pray the Holy Spirit is preparing our hearts to be at the conference with other believers. Let’s pray for the safe travel and good health of all who are at the conference. Let’s ask the Lord to give us a sweet fellowship together and a refreshing that we are compelled to take back to our family, home, and ministry. We are asking God to bind the enemy from the conference and each attendee. Pray that we all ‘think about these things.”


Devotion written by Kim Swyden on behalf of the CCHF Conference Prayer Team

Prayer, 2024CCHF2024, devotional, prayer