Pre-conference devotional March 4

For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:3


His Word:

Life is hard. What we do, who we serve, and where we do it seems hard. Without relational care from peers and self-care we can grow weary and come to the place we feel overwhelmed and at times alone or weighed down or despair and we can lose focus. The writer of Hebrews tells us to keep our eyes on Jesus who endured the cross and shame for a reward of eternal glory (Heb. 12:2). Thankfully the writer of Hebrews turns to us in verse 3 to apply verses 1 and 2 by reminding us when we feel we are at the end of our rope consider Jesus and what he endured in order to offer us the right to be called children of God and know He understands our weariness and can hear our prayers on a personal level, reminding us look at Him and He will touch our weariness and comfort our heart.


Let Us Pray:

Let’s ask the Father to help us focus on Jesus and not our circumstances. Ask Him to help us remember His answers, although not always what we exactly asked, are better answers than our intellect can imagine. Pray for those attending the conference as they are working this week to get ahead so they can take three days off from work and not grow weary worrying about what is being left undone at the clinic or at home. Let’s pray our focus is on Jesus and that we consider Him and in that find relief from our weariness and our hearts find peace. Pray we find the unity being with others focused on Jesus and we find encouragement for our soul.


Devotional written by Kim Swyden on behalf of the CCHF Conference Prayer Team

CCHFdevotional, 2024, prayer